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Second opus of the cycle of 3 albums based on the Carl G. Jung’s Red Book.

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Azziard Exegese

DigiSleeve CD, LP, Digital & Tape Second opus of the cycle of 3 albums based on the Carl G. Jung’s Red Book. Exégèse tackles the seven sermons to the dead, the gnostic part of the Red book and the character explores the world's metaphysical constructions. As...

Azziard Metempsychose

DigiSleeve CD (500 copies in limited edition), CD (500 copies), Digital & Tape Métampsychose is the first opus of a new cycle of 3 albums based on the Red Book of Carl Jung which explores, over the course of several nights, the nightmares and phantasms...

Azziard Disruption

Tracklist 1. L'Enfer (METEMPSYCHOSE) 2. L'anachorète, Dies (METEMPSYCHOSE) 3. Unus Mundus (Vinyl version) 4. Disjonction (Vésanie) 5. Rebellion (1916)...